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CAF Colonel  J. Wayne McCain, PhD-PMP

Rocket City Wing,
Education Officer

Civil Air Patrol Educator

256-990-0389 Cell/Text

The theme of this section of the CAF Huntsville web page is dual in nature: Aviation Risk Management through training AND Inspiration for young pilots and pilot candidates. The page features various related articles and weblinks to further these causes.


Explore some prerequisite documentation

Material curated and provided by our Education officer

Risk Management


Risk Management

As pilots, we are all aware that our flying activities are somewhat ‘risky’ and require the upmost attention to detail to help prevent accidents. In fact, statistics have shown that private piloting is in the same risk category and motorcycling for instance. Being a long-time motorcycle enthusiast as well as a pilot for more than half a century (ok, now I feel really old!), I am personally aware of these risks. In fact, one of the major concentrations of Athens State University’s Aerospace Systems Management degree program (where I serve as a major professor) is aviation/aerospace safety and risk management.

In motorcycling, a rider must be forever conscious of his or her surroundings to include road conditions and weather, highway traffic density, equipment condition and performance, and probably most importantly, what the other drivers and ‘traffic’ are doing. I’ve heard it countless times that ‘you have to drive for yourself and everyone else too’. This statement holds true for flying as well. A major difference is that, of course, a pilot doesn’t easily have the option of ‘pulling off the road’ to mitigate a risk.

In terms of risk management, the techniques employed often are contrary to the old axiom of ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’. In fact, risk mitigation in aviation depends heavily upon ‘fixing it before it breaks’. Case in point is the requirement for annual aircraft inspections and bi-annual review of piloting skills and knowledge. The latter ‘bi-annual’ should be approached as more of a refresher in these areas to keep piloting skills honed to a fine finish rather than as a ‘test’ of some sort. The goal of our CAF aviation risk management activities here is to provide members with convenient links to learning opportunities in aviation safety and risk management education.

Additional CAF Educational documentation & links

Take Off Killer Risk Management documentation


We find ourselves in a period of time where the number of pilots in our industry is left wanting. In fact, there are shortages in almost every aspect of the aviation career path, particularly in commercial aviation roles. Brought about in part by a significant reduction in the number of military pilots being trained, further reductions stem from the reduced interest and indoctrination of young people into the aviation field. As a Civil Air Patrol Educator Member, I can appreciate the opportunities afforded by that organization as well as others such as AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association). The intent and goal of our CAF ‘Inspiration’ theme is to promote all aspects of youth in aviation and aerospace and attempt to meld these efforts into a more cohesive blend as part of our CAF Wing’s activities. Hence forth, a more conceited effort will be made to promote and advertise local and regional aviation activities of all kinds pertaining to youth involvement along with combined activities and events. Watch our site for more information and announcements of such activities and events!

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